
Decoration of wooden buildings in Griškabūdis and its environs

Žydrė Petrauskaitė

A brief review of publications containing some new information about Griškabūdis as well as archive data is given in the paper. Photographs of buildings stored by the Lithuanian Art Museum are also mentioned.

People of this area used to decorate not only their living house (called “stuba” in the area) with rafters, lower part of roof slopes, pediments, walls, window and door plat-bands, but also other important homestead structures, such as barns and cowsheds. House porches are especially decorative. Boarding of some haylofts, barn columns and fences are often decorated; their doors are also nice.

The décor of houses in Griškabūdis and nearby villages is temperate, proportional and masterly done.

During the 2001 expedition in Griškabūdis and its area, the data have been collected about 21 artisans who worked here. Data on some of them are available in the archive.